how to check running docker containers and images for the deployed pods inside aks nodes?
I have deployed company pods and services inside the azure aks cluster.
Need to login as a root user inside containers running inside nodes of managed aks cluster. Those containers are of rabbitmq pods deployed with bitnami helm chart.
I was able to login into worker nodes by following this link, but couldn't find the docker package running/installed inside them.
They do have containerd://1.4.9+azure as the CONTAINER-RUNTIME. Tried below commands of 'containerd' inside those nodes, but nothing came, empty response, no running containers or downloaded images.
ctr container ls
ctr images ls
So how to check running docker containers and images for the deployed pods inside aks nodes?
We can use the below commands to check running containers inside worker nodes of managed k8s clusters at least in the case of aks clusters.
Here's the reference link
use below commands
sudo crictl --help
sudo crictl ps
sudo crictl images