with recursive tree_Gy_Department as(
select PreGD.*, 1::integer recursion_level
where PreGD.dept_id = :deptId
union all
select NextGD.*, recursion_level +1
join tree_Gy_Department treeGD on treeGD.parent_id = NextGD.dept_id)
select recursion_level, a.dept_name,
when recursion_level = 1 then REGEXP_replace(initcap(a.DEPT_NAME), '\\s', '')
else REGEXP_replace(initcap(a.DEPT_NAME), '[[:lower:]]|\\s', '', 'g') END
AS Result
from tree_Gy_Department a;
I'm trying to run this query and it works in the console query of PostgreSQL but when I put it in the repository it got an error: ERROR: syntax error at or near ":". I think the error occurred when I set the value for recursion_level "1::level recursion_level", maybe a conflict with hibernate. Does anyone have a replacement for this double colon?
Use the standard cast()
syntax instead. Hibernated gets confused by the ::
cast(1 as integer) as recursion_level
But I don't think you need the cast at all. A simple 1 as recursion_level
will work just as well.