I am exporting DataGrid @mui/x-data-grid
table using CustomToolbar
I have one of the columns as below
field: 'industry_type',
headerName: 'Industry',
renderCell: (params) => {
const industry = params.row.industry_type;
return (
<p>{`${industry.code}- ${industry.value}`} </p>
The csv file downloaded from export option gives the value as [object Object]
How do I get the actual value in csv downloaded file? I need help in fixing this. Thanks.
Does valueGetter work for exports?
field: 'industry_type',
headerName: 'Industry',
renderCell: (params) => {
const industry = params.row.industry_type;
return (
<p>{`${industry.code}- ${industry.value}`} </p>
valueGetter: (params) => `${params.row.industry_type.code}- ${params.row.industry_type.value}`,