I've been able to isolate the list (or string) of characters I want excluded from a user entered string. But I don't see how to then remove all these unwanted characters. After I do this, I think I can try joining the user string so it all becomes one alphabet input like the instructions say.
For example, if the input is:
-Hello, 1 world$!
the output should be:
My code:
userEntered = input()
makeList = userEntered.split()
def split(userEntered):
return list(userEntered)
if userEntered.isalnum() == False:
for i in userEntered:
if i.isalpha() == False:
#answer = userEntered[slice(userEntered.index(i))]
reference = split(userEntered)
excludeThis = i
When I print excludeThis
, I get this as my output:
So I think I might be on the right track. I need to figure out how to get these characters out of the user input.
Loop over the input string. If the character is alphabetic, add it to the result string.
userEntered = input()
result = ''
for char in userEntered:
if char.isalpha():
result += char
This can also be done with a regular expression:
import re
userEntered = input()
result = re.sub(r'[^a-z]', '', userEntered, flags=re.I)
The regexp [^a-z]
matches anything except an alphabetic character. The re.I
flag makes it case-insensitive. These are all replaced with an empty string, which removes them.