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Amazon SES error: The From ARN is not a valid SES identity

I am new to amazone SES and trying to set up my .net core API to send emails using SES. Here is code I`m using to send emails:

SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest();
        request.FromEmailAddress = "";//verified
        Destination destination= new Destination();
        destination.ToAddresses = new List<string> {"some verified email"};
        request.Destination = destination;
        EmailContent content = new EmailContent();
        content.Simple = new Message
            Body = new Body
                Html = new Content
                    Data = $@"<html>
                    //here is some code
            Subject = new  Content{
                Data = "some subject"
        request.Content = content;
        request.FromEmailAddressIdentityArn = senderArn;
        var status = await _sesClient.SendEmailAsync(request); 

This code gives me such error: The From ARN <arn:aws:ses:eu-central-1:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> is not a valid SES identity. On AWS console emails are verified: screenshot from console

Any ideas what I`m doing wrong?


  • Here is .NET Code that does work. The sender has to be verified in SES. See

    public async void SendMessage(string text, string toAddress)
           var sesClient = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(RegionEndpoint.USWest2);
           var sender = "";
           var emailList = new List<string>();
           var destination = new Destination
                    ToAddresses = emailList
                var content = new Content
                    Data = text
                var sub = new Content
                    Data = "Amazon Rekognition Report"
                var body = new Body
                    Text = content
                var message = new Message
                    Subject = sub,
                    Body = body
                var request = new SendEmailRequest
                    Message = message,
                    Destination = destination,
                    Source = sender
                    await sesClient.SendEmailAsync(request);
                catch (Exception ex)

    Update Make sure you are using this version.

    enter image description here