can i generate a powerbi embed token from my application if i have 2fa turned on?
I don't see anything about this in their documentation.
Can I generate a 1 time perm. embed token without code?
you must turn off 2fa to get pbi access token via code when using master user (because it's just a background user authenticating to power bi - not the real user who logged in - and therefore there is no opportunity for interaction (prompt to enter pw from text)
give the master user very little permissions in general, since it's a little less secure way of doing things. and store credentials in azure key vault not in some config file.
can test it out here:
parameters: reportId and groupId . Body:
{"accessLevel" : "View", "allowSaveAs" : "false", "datasetId" :"some id, but doesn't matter unless you create report", "identities":[], "lifetimeInMinutes" : 1000000000}
-- here it doesn't matter if 2fa is on or off obviously