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Transaction Manager not showing storekit 2 transactions in Xcode

I am trying to test in-app purchase localy using configuration.storekit file. I'm able to do perform the fetch, buy, restore, etc on the simulator, but the same is not getting displayed on the Transaction Manager [(with Xcode selected) Debug->Storekit->Manage Transactions...]

Also, I am not able to fetch the products using product IDs in the testcases using StoreKitTest framework

I have use pod lib create to make a cocoapod of MyFramework which is having all the In-App purchase related code/logic. Have a target for testcases (MyFramework-Unit-Tests), have tried linking the StoreKit Configuration File with both the MyFramework and MyFramework-Unit-Tests targets, and without linking too

I have created a file IAPSubscriptions.storekit, and have tried specifying target to it - MyFramework, MyFramework-Unit-Tests

Has anyone faced these issues, and how shall I resolve these?

For reference: Modularisation followed by me is wrt: My podfile has: def MyFramework_pod pod 'MyFramework', :path => 'DevPods/MyFramework', :testspecs => ['Tests'] end

abstract_target 'MyFramework' do project 'DevPods/MyFramework/Example/MyFramework.xcodeproj' target 'MyFramework_Example' do platform :ios, '15.0' MyFramework_pod end end

My podspec has: s.test_spec 'Tests' do |test_spec| test_spec.source_files = 'MyFramework/Tests/**/*' end


  • I resolved the issue by adding the StoreKit.framework as a dependency to the app project.

    In Xcode, this capability is known as "In-App Purchase".