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Typescript: Limit the number of keys that can be passed via generics and indexed access types for a particular function

Sorry about the title, maybe it's a little confusing? Let me explain my issue.

I'm using a React state management library where I have an application state that looks like the following:

type ApplicationState = {
  loading: boolean;
  data: string[];
  colors: number[];
  alerts: any;
  error: string;

const state: ApplicationState = {
  loading: false,
  data: [],
  colors: [],
  alerts: {},
  error: "some error"

Then I have a setter, which makes sure that the key is a key of ApplicationState, and that the value is one of the value types of Application state.

const mySetter: <K extends keyof ApplicationState>(key: K, value: ApplicationState[K]) => ApplicationState = (key, value) => {
  return {
    [key]: value,

So my question is, how do I constrain the key (K) to be only of certain types of the state (for example, I only want it to change loading, alerts and error)? The way it's currently set up, it allows for any key (K) of ApplicationState to be used.

Thanks for your help!


  • Just use a union type like 'loading' | 'error', for example:

    type ApplicationState = {
      loading: boolean;
      data: string[];
      colors: number[];
      alerts: any;
      error: string;
    const state: ApplicationState = {
      loading: false,
      data: [],
      colors: [],
      alerts: {},
      error: "some error"
    type SomeApplicationStates = 'loading' | 'error';
    const mySetter: <K extends SomeApplicationStates>(key: K, value: ApplicationState[K]) => ApplicationState = (key, value) => {
      return {
        [key]: value,

    You may also write <K extends ('loading' | 'error')> for the type argument.