I'm using the following resources to create a DynamoDB table with items from a JSON file of objects.
module "dynamodb_label" {
source = "./modules/labels"
enabled = var.ENABLE_TABLE
name = var.dynamodb_name
context = module.this.context
locals {
json_data = file("./items.json")
items = jsondecode(local.json_data)
module "dynamodb_table" {
source = "./aws-dynamodb"
count = var.ENABLE_TABLE ? 1 : 0
hash_key = "schema"
hash_key_type = "S"
autoscale_write_target = 50
autoscale_read_target = 50
autoscale_min_read_capacity = 5
autoscale_max_read_capacity = 1000
autoscale_min_write_capacity = 5
autoscale_max_write_capacity = 1000
enable_autoscaler = true
enable_encryption = true
enable_point_in_time_recovery = true
ttl_enabled = false
dynamodb_attributes = [
name = "schema"
type = "S"
context = module.dynamodb_label.context
resource "aws_dynamodb_table_item" "dynamodb_table_item" {
for_each = var.ENABLE_TABLE ? local.items : {}
table_name = module.dynamodb_table.table_name
hash_key = "schema"
item = jsonencode(each.value)
depends_on = [module.dynamodb_table]
The JSON file
"Item1": {
"schema": {
"S": "https://schema.org/government-documents#id-card"
"properties": {
"S": "{\"documentName\":{\"type\":\"string\"},\"dateOfBirth\":{\"type\":\"string\"}}"
"Item2": {
"schema": {
"S": "https://schema.org/government-documents#drivers-license"
"properties": {
"S": "{\"documentName\":{\"type\":\"string\"},\"dateOfBirth\":{\"type\":\"string\"}}"
I'm getting the following error
Error: Inconsistent conditional result types
on dynamodb-table.tf line 173, in resource "aws_dynamodb_table_item" "dynamodb_table_item":
173: for_each = var.ENABLE_TABLE ? local.items : {}
│ local.items is object with 13 attributes
│ var.ENABLE_TABLE is a bool, known only after apply
The true and false result expressions must have consistent types. The given expressions are object and object, respectively.
I've tried many options to pass this error even change the variable type from bool to object. If I remove the condition in for_each
and just pass local.items
the aws_dynamodb_table_item
tries to create regardless of the depends_on
and it fails of course to create because table_name
is returned empty because of count = module.dynamodb_label.enabled ? 1 : 0
in dynamodb_table
I want the aws_dynamodb_table_item
to be skipped if var.ENABLE_TABLE
is set to false
What am I missing here? Any hint is highly appreciated.
EDIT: Tried the following so far all with same error;
for_each = var.ENABLE_TABLE == true ? local.schemas : {}
for_each = var.ENABLE_TABLE ? local.items : {}
After experimenting for 2 days around different types of expressions to get around this issue a kind sir on Reddit referred to this solution and it worked like a charm;
for_each = { for k,v in local.items : k => v if var.ENABLE_TABLE }
For anyone with a similar requirement this seems a gem that I have missed and recommend you to use it.