My getters are not updating reactive even though the store contains the data.
Here is my Code
function initialAuthState (): AuthState {
return {
token: undefined,
currentUser: undefined,
refreshToken: undefined
export const store: AuthState = initialAuthState()
export const actions: ActionTree<AuthState, RootState> = {
[AuthStoreActions.LOGIN]: async ({ commit }, payload: { employeeID: string, password?: string }): Promise<User> => {
const response = await AuthRepository.login(payload)
// Save Token and User
commit(AuthStoreMutations.SET_TOKENS, { token:, refreshToken: })
const user = User.parseFromObject(
commit(AuthStoreMutations.SET_USER, user)
return new User()
[AuthStoreActions.LOGOUT]: ({ commit }): void => {
export const mutations: MutationTree<AuthState> = {
[AuthStoreMutations.SET_TOKENS]: (state: AuthState, value: { token: string, refreshToken: string }) => {
state.token = value.token
state.refreshToken = value.refreshToken
[AuthStoreMutations.SET_USER]: (state: AuthState, value: User) => {
const t = {}
Object.assign(t, value)
state.currentUser = t as User
[AuthStoreMutations.CLEAR_STORE]: (state: AuthState) => {
//state.token = null
//state.refreshToken = null
//state.currentUser = null
export const getters: GetterTree<AuthState, RootState> = {
[AuthStoreGetters.TOKEN]: (state: AuthState) => state.token,
[AuthStoreGetters.REFRESH_TOKEN]: (state: AuthState) => state.refreshToken,
[AuthStoreGetters.CURRENT_USER]: (state: AuthState) => {
if (state.currentUser) {
// needs to be parsed because VuexPersistence does not keep type information
return User.parseFromObject(state.currentUser)
return undefined
And here is how i call my getter
private token?: string
created () {
The Data exists as you can see on this screenshot. The only way to update my getters is by reloading the website.
We found the error. 😣
export const store: AuthState = initialAuthState()
must be
export const state: AuthState = initialAuthState()
I hope this can help somebody else