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What's the Python equivalent to iterating over a defined table in Lua?

I am very new to learning Python as I have just moved from Lua. One of my questions though, is how do I iterate over a table with a given set of different values? I have tried looking on other forums, but still do not understand and would like the easiest solution possible, as well explained.

For example, I have a table of numbers, and would like to iterate through that table, printing both the key and the element of the table. How would I do this in Lua?

This is what I mean when written in Lua:

local table = {1, 3, 5, 7;}

for i,v in pairs(table) do


  • I think you are trying to do this:

    table = [1, 3, 5, 7]  # create the list
    for v in table:  # going through all elements of the list
        print(v)  # print the element

    If you want to have the value and the index when going through the list, you can use enumerate like this:

    table = [1, 3, 5, 7]  # create the list
    for i, v in enumerate(table):  # going through all elements of the list with their indexes
        print(i)  # print the element index
        print(v)  # print the element value