So, the setup i have is simple. I'm making a VR darts game, sortof, using the default VR template, and i have a DartActor, with an attached ConeMesh (StaticMeshComponent) used for the dart, as well as a TableActor with an attached CylinderMesh (StaticMeshComponent) used for the dart board, as well as a RotatingMovementComponent.
When I detect an overlay between the two, I turn off physics on the dart (because otherwise it just bounces off) and try to attach it to the table actor. I have tried the following:
Neither of those worked well for me.
But disregarding that, turning off physics on the DartActor when an overlay is detected successfully fakes the dart sticking in the table. With one minor caveat - when the dart is seemingly stuck in the board, the board is still spinning underneath the dart.
I used the "Snap to Target" for both the location and rotation, and just kept "keep relative" for scaling on the "Attach" blueprint node.
What I'd like to have is, the dart actually sticking to the table, welding, and rotating with the table (dart board) while it's also rotating.
So, how do I do that?
I'm using UE4.27.2, if you need the blueprint screenshots just lemme know.
Ok, I fixed it.
It turns out it was a combo of other misc slipups...
in the DartActor's Blueprint, using the DartActor's self
and attaching to the TableActor's StaticMeshComponentAttachActorToComponent
BP node, I used "Keep World" for all three things (location/rotation/scale)And that's it, the darts are now sticking to the board and rotating along with the rotating board.