I try to make a searchbar where you can request several words : For example, input is "word#1" and "word#2". I would like the returned results to be rendered with either of the entered words. Currently, I have this function in my controller but which prohibits a search on several independent words, I have tried several solutions but they do not work.
public function search()
$data = [
'title'=> $description = 'Recherche sur '.config('app.name'),
'description'=> $description,
'heading'=> config('app.name'),
$q = request()->input('q');
$products = Product::where('title','like',"%$q%")
return view('products.search', $data)->with('products', $products);
Can you help me please ?
Since you want to search with all the words entered input, in your code you must loop it word per word. e.g.
$q = request()->input('q');
$words = explode(' ', $q);
$query = Product::query();
foreach ($words as $word) {
$products = $query->paginate();