I have datas in df like
time | location | information |
2.13 | India | Good |
2.34 | USA | Good |
I need to update this to timescale db where time is the unique key, i have used
Now this turned into a list of values like
How do i write this for insert query like this,
INSERT INTO table_name
(NOW(), 'office', 70.0, 50.0),
(NOW(), 'basement', 66.5, 60.0),
(NOW(), 'garage', 77.0, 65.2);
Basically this format
And need help with on conflict clause (Example)
INSERT INTO table_name
VALUES ('2017-07-28 11:42:42.846621+00', 'office', 70.2, 50.1)
ON CONFLICT (time, location) DO UPDATE
SET temperature = excluded.temperature,
humidity = excluded.humidity;
Like, what is excluded.temperature there.
Thanks in advance.
Quote from the docs
The SET and WHERE clauses in ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE have access to the existing row using the table's name (or an alias), and to rows proposed for insertion using the special excluded table.
In your example, excluded.temperature
has the value 70.2
See also DbFiddle example:
Let's assume, that the table already has a row with this primary key ('2017-07-28 11:42:42.846621+00'
, office
time | location | temperature | humidity |
2017-07-28 12:42:42.846621+01 | office | 60.1 | 50 |
Now we execute an insert statements (with the same primary key) and different ON CONFLICT
clauseINSERT INTO conditions VALUES ('2017-07-28 11:42:42.846621+00', 'office', 70.2, 50.1)
When we do not use ON CONFLICT
, we get an error:
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "conditions_time_location_key"
DETAIL: Key ("time", location)=(2017-07-28 12:42:42.846621+01, office) already exists.
INSERT INTO conditions
VALUES ('2017-07-28 11:42:42.846621+00', 'office', 70.2, 50.1)
In this case the new data is ignored and the row remains the same as before:
time | location | temperature | humidity |
2017-07-28 12:42:42.846621+01 | office | 60.1 | 50 |
INSERT INTO conditions
VALUES ('2017-07-28 11:42:42.846621+00', 'office', 70.2, 50.1)
ON CONFLICT (time, location) DO UPDATE
SET humidity = excluded.temperature;
will result in:
time | location | temperature | humidity |
2017-07-28 12:42:42.846621+01 | office | 60.1 | 70.2 |
NOTE: that we assign humidity
to excluded.temperature
- this does not really make sense in a production app, and is only used to illustrate how this works
, we have access to a special table named exclude
This table contains the values from our insert statement that have been excluded (i.e. ignored), because other values already exist.
In our case:
is 70.2
is 50.1
When you do no use SET
for a column, the column keeps the old value: i.e. the temperature
will still be 60.1
after our insert statement.
When you do use SET
for a column you can assign any value you like: e.g. a constant value, an expression, or the values from the special excluded
table which contains the excluded row.