I have the following liquibase script snippet:
<changeSet author="h311z" id="20220406-1" runInTransaction="false">
<createTable tableName="states">
<column name="tx_id" type="varbinary(1024)">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="tx_output_id" type="INT">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
But after running liquibase migration on a Postgres database, the table looks like this:
column_name | data_type
tx_id | bytea
tx_output_id | bigint
Am I missing something here? Thanks!
Turns out the underlying database was CockroachDB which does not differentiate INT/BIGINT, they are basically the same: https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/v20.1/int
I ended up using tinyint instead.