Lets say we injected this repository on a plugin/service-container.js
import nodeFetch from 'node-fetch'
import { AbortController as NodeAbortController } from 'node-abort-controller'
import HttpClient from '@/services/httpClient'
import PostRepository from '@/repositories/posts'
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
if (!process.client || app.context.env.NUXTJS_DEPLOY_TARGET === 'server') {
inject('postRepository', postRepository)
I have always acceded to API repositories from the asyncData method, like so:
export default {
async asyncData ({ $postRepository, }) {
const posts = await $postRepository.getAllPaginated(page, 11)
return {
But I need to access to it in a method, this is actually working but:
Async method 'asyncData' has no 'await' expression.eslintrequire-await
What's the right way? I Can't find it online (the only examples I found involved using the Store)
export default {
async asyncData ({ $postRepository }) {
this.$postRepository = $postRepository
methods: {
async loadMore () {
if (this.page < this.posts.numPages) {
const posts = await this.$postRepository.getAllPaginated(this.page + 1, 11)
It seems that an injected dependency can be accessed (in this case) with simply this.$postRepository
inside any method so I didn't even need that asyncData