Also posted on PerlMonks.
I have this very simple Perl script on my linux server.
What I would like to be able to do is to call the script from a browser on a separate machine
Have the script initiate a fork
Have the parent send an httpResponse (freeing up the browser)
Immediately end the parent
Allow the child to do its job, heavy complex database work, which could take a minute or two
Have the child end itself with no output whatsoever
When I call this script from a browser, the browser does not receive the sent response till the child is complete.
Yes, it works when called from the command line.
Is what I want to do possible? p.s. I even tried it with ProcSimple, but I get the same hang up.
local $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE";
use lib '/var/www/cgi-bin';
use CGI;
my $q = new CGI;
if(!defined($pid = fork())) {
die "Cannot fork a child: $!";
} elsif ($pid == 0) {
print $q->header();
print "i am the child\n";
print "child is done\n";
} else {
print $q->header();
print "I am the parent\n";
print "parent is done\n";
exit 0;
exit 0;
In general you must detach the child process from its parent to allow the parent to exit cleanly -- otherwise the parent can't assume that it won't need to handle more input/output.
} elsif ($pid == 0) {
close STDIN;
close STDERR;
close STDOUT; # or redirect
In your example, the child process is making print
statements until it exits. Where do those prints go if the parent process has been killed and closed its I/O handles?