I am just starting to learn KMM (I'm an Android java guy right now) and going through the default Greeting version of Hello World that is automatically put into a new application. My environment seems to be working as I was able to run the default app on both Android and iOS emulators.
However I can't see the file Greeting.kt in the Project tree. I can certainly search for it and open it from Find, but when I drill down the tree shared/commonMain/kotlin/com.myapp... it only shows Platform.
I have a screen cap that shows the path of the open Greeting.kt at the top, but not visible in the tree:
(screen cap)
Unfortunately I can't post an image (not enough reputation), but when I open the file Greeting.kt by doing a Find In Project, it shows the path at the top of the screen (My Application > shared > src > commonMain > kotlin > com > example > myapplication > Greeting), but when I manually drill down the Project tree on the left side of Android Studio Greeting.kt does not show up.
I can also find the file in the Mac Finder. My guess a preference in Android Studio is incorrect?
Any ideas on what might be wrong?
Thanks in advance
Turns out it was an official bug. Solution is to upgrade to Beta version of Android Studio (Chipmunk)
I submitted a bug report to Google and they looked into it:
The root cause is that before [Android Studio]Chipmunk the source set setup was incorrect, so even though it says commonMain in your screenshot (from #2), if you open the Platform.kt under that source set, you'll see that it is in fact shared/src/androidMain/kotlin/com/example/myapplication/Platform.kt. [Android Studio] Chipmunk fixes this issue.