I'm working with 1 other developer who has created a branch that needs to be merged with master.
I get this error when attempting to Pull in Git in Visual Studio Community (not Visual Studio Code) to a Bitbucket repo
If I attempt to Push it says "unable to push because your local branch is behind the remote branch".
This is the error:
Hint: You have divergent branches and need to specify how to reconcile them.
Hint: You can do so by running one of the following commands sometime before
Hint: your next pull:
Hint: git config pull.rebase false # merge
Hint: git config pull.rebase true # rebase
Hint: git config pull.ff only # fast-forward only
Hint: You can replace "git config" with "git config --global" to set a default
Hint: preference for all repositories. You can also pass --rebase, --no-rebase,
Hint: or --ff-only on the command line to override the configured default per
Hint: invocation.
Git failed with a fatal error.
Git failed with a fatal error.
Need to specify how to reconcile divergent branches.
I've found various things that discuss this, eg
But none of them explain WHY this is happening and what the actions actually do.
How can I merge in what's in the other branch into master, why is this message coming up and what effect do all the suggestions in the hints have?
As is often the case with confusing stuff in Git, there's some history involved.
The first thing to know is that git pull
does too much stuff. Well, for some people (me), it does too much; others like that it does this much; but in fact, it does two jobs, each of which has its own separate Git command:
git pull
runs git fetch
. Most, but not all, of the arguments you give to git pull
are passed directly to git fetch
. So git pull
means run git fetch
and git pull origin somebranch
means run git fetch origin somebranch
Assuming the first step succeeds, git pull
runs a second Git command.
The reason to have a step 2 at all is simple enough: git fetch
obtains new commits from some other Git repository, stuffing those new commits into your own repository where you now have access to them. But then it stops. You have access to the new commits, but nothing is actually using the new commits yet. To use the new commits, you need a second step.
Initially, that second step was always git merge
. The git merge
command is pretty big and complicated but it has a meaning that's pretty simple to describe: Merge means combine work. Git will attempt to take work you have done, if you have done any, and work they have done, if they have done any, and combine the work, using simple and stupid automated rules. These rules have no clue as to how or why you did the work, or what anything you changed means. They just work based on "lines" in diffs.
There are, however, four possibilities here:
Perhaps you did no work and they did no work. You got no new commits. There's literally nothing to do, and git merge
does nothing.
Perhaps you did some work and they did nothing; you got no new commits; there's nothing to do and git merge
does nothing again.
Perhaps you did no work and they did do some work. You got some new commits. Combining your lack-of-work with their actual work is easy and git merge
will take a shortcut if you allow it.
Perhaps you and they both did work. You have new commits and you got new commits from them, and git merge
has to use its simple-and-stupid rules to combine the work. Git cannot take any shortcuts here and you will get a full-blown merge.
The shortcut that Git may be able to take is to simply check out their latest commit while dragging your branch name forward. The git merge
command calls this a fast-forward merge, although there's no actual merging involved. This kind of not-really-a-merge is trivial, and normally extremely safe: the only thing that can go wrong is if their latest commit doesn't actually function properly. (In that case, you can go back to the older version that does.) So a "fast forward" merge is particularly friendly: there's no complicated line-by-line merging rules that can go awry. Many people like this kind of "merge".
Sometimes the shortcut is not possible, and sometimes some people don't want Git to take the shortcut (for reasons we won't cover here to keep this answer short, or short for me anyway). There is a way to tell git merge
do not take the shortcut, even if you can.
So, for git merge
alone, that gives us three possibilities:
git merge
is always willing to do nothing);The git merge
command has options to tell it what to do in all but the "nothing to do" case:
: do a fast-forward if that's possible. If not, give an error stating that fast-forward is not possible; do not attempt a merge.--no-ff
: even if a fast-forward is possible, don't use the shortcut: attempt a full merge in every case (except of course the "nothing to do" case).The git pull
command accepts all of these flags and will pass them on to git merge
, should you choose to have git pull
run git merge
as its step 2.
Not everyone wants Git to do merges. Suppose you have made one or two new commits, which we'll call I
and J
, and your git fetch
from origin
brings in two new commits that they made since you started, which we will call K
and L
. That gives you a set of commits that, if you were to draw them, might look like this:
I--J <-- your-branch
...--G--H <-- main
K--L <-- origin/main
You can fast-forward your main
to match their origin/main
I--J <-- your-branch
K--L <-- main, origin/main
And, whether or not you do that, you can merge your commit J
with their commit L
to produce a new merge commit M
/ \
...--G--H M <-- your-branch (HEAD)
\ /
K--L <-- origin/main
But some people prefer to rebase their commits—in this case I
and J
—so that they come after commit L
, so that the picture now looks like this:
I--J [abandoned]
...--G--H--K--L <-- origin/main
I'-J' <-- your-branch
Here, we have copied commits I
and J
to new-and-improved commits I'
and J'
. These commits make the same changes to L
that I-J
made to H
, but these commits have different big-ugly-hash-IDs and look like you made them after the origin
guys made their K-L
The git pull
command can do this kind of rebasing:
git switch your-branch
git pull --rebase origin main
does this all in one shot, by running git fetch
to get their commits, then running git rebase
with the right arguments to make Git copy I-J
to I'-J'
as shown above. Once the rebase is done—remember that, like git merge
, it may have merge conflicts that you have to solve first—Git will move the branch name your-branch
to select the last copied commit: J'
in this example.
Not very long after git pull
was written, this --rebase
was added to it. And since many people want this sort of thing to happen automatically, git pull
gained the ability to default to using --rebase
. You configured your branch to do this (by setting branch.branch.rebase
to true
) and git pull
would do a rebase for you. (Note that the commit on which your rebase occurs now depends on two things: the upstream setting of the branch, and some of the arguments you can pass to git pull
. I've kept things explicit in this example so that we do not have to worry about smaller details, but in practice, you do.)
At this point in Git's development, we have:
git fetch
: obtains new commits from somewhere else (an "upstream" or origin
repository for instance), often updating origin/*
style remote-tracking names;git merge
: does nothing, or a fast-forward, or a true merge, of some specified commit or the branch's upstream;git rebase
: copies some set of existing commits to new-and-improved commits, using a specified commit or the branch's upstream, then abandons the original commits in favor of the copies; andgit pull
: using the branch's upstream or explicit arguments, run git fetch
and then run either git merge
or git rebase
.Because git merge
can take --ff-only
or --no-ff
arguments, git pull
must be able to pass these to git merge
if we're using git merge
As time goes on, more options start appearing, such as auto-stashing, rebase's "fork point", and so on. Also, it turns out that many people want rebasing to be their default for git pull
, so Git acquires a new configuration option, branch.autoSetupRebase
. When set to remote
or always
, this does what many of these folks want (though there are actually four settings today; I don't remember if it had four back then and have not bothered to check).
By now—some time between 2020 and 2022—it has become clear that git pull
does the wrong thing for many, maybe even most, people who are new to Git. My personal recommendation has been to avoid git pull
. Just don't use it: run git fetch
first, then look at what git fetch
said. Then, if git fetch
did a lot, maybe use git log
next. And then, once you're sure whether you want git merge
with whatever options, or git rebase
also with whatever options, run that command. If you use this option, you are in full control. You dictate what happens, rather than getting some surprise from Git. I like this option: it's simple! You do need to run at least two commands, of course. But you get to run additional commands between those two, and that can be useful.
Still, if a git pull
brings in new commits that can be merged under git merge --ff-only
, that often turns out to be what I want: do that fast-forward, or else stop and let me look around and decide whether I want a rebase, a merge, or whatever else I might want.1 And that often turns out to be what others want as well, and now git pull
, run with no arguments at all, can be told to do that directly:
git config --global pull.ff only
achieves this.
Meanwhile, the other two git config --global
commands in the hint you show in your question make the second command be merge or rebase. So now, in 2022, it's easy to tell git pull
to do what I would want it to do. Furthermore, it seems that the Git maintainers have come around to my point of view: that git pull
without some forethought is bad, and newbies should not use it. So they've set up git pull
so that it now requires that you pick one of these three options, if you want to run it with no arguments.2
So, you need to pick one. The old default was git config pull.rebase false
, but that was a bad default. I do not recommend it. I do recommend git config pull.ff only
(though I still don't actually use it due to 15+ years of habits).
1One real-world example: I encounter some bug that's a problem for me. I make a change to the code that I know is wrong, but lets me get my work done. I commit this horrible hack. I then wait for the upstream to make changes. They do and I bring in the new commits. If they've fixed the bug, I want to drop my fix, not merge or rebase it. If they have not fixed the bug, I want to rebase my hack (which may or may not need some tweaking). The "have they fixed the bug" test requires something git pull
cannot test on its own.
2Note that running git pull
with arguments is not supposed to generate this kind of complaint. I still don't run it much, so I'm not quite sure what the bug was, but in the first round or two of implementation of the new feature, there was a bug where git pull
would complain inappropriately. I believe it is fixed in 2.35 and am almost positive it's fixed in 2.36, which should be out any time now.