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Including Sentry NDK in qmake

I am working on including Sentry in a Qt application. I have the sentry jar and sentry-native aar included in the Android libs folder and am working on linking the Sentry NDK.

Sentry only provides instructions for CMake which I am inexperienced with. How would I include Sentry in qmake?

# include paths generated by androidNativeBundle
# change native-lib to your native lib's name
target_link_libraries(native-lib ${ANDROID_GRADLE_NATIVE_MODULES})

Where is ANDROID_GRADLE_NATIVE_BUNDLE_PLUGIN_MK, can it be included or would I need to locate and translate a cmake file? I doubt I need to target ANDROID_GRADLE_NATIVE_MODULES since Qt is already a native module. Am I wrong?

Any help would be greatly experienced!


  • Ended up compiling Sentry separately. It's really not worth trying to integrate with Qmake. Qt Creator 7 integrates really well with CMake.