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Is there an API endpoint to get the kubeconfig file of a cluster from Rancher using its own API?

I'm trying to find a way to get the kubeconfig file using curl command and hit the rancher API. Is there an API endpoint to get that ?

I tried calling these following endpoints but no luck.


  • According to the Rancher docs

    Most resources have actions, which do something or change the state of the resource. To use these, send a HTTP POST to the URL in the actions map for the action you want ...

    This works for me like a charm:

    curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $RANCHER_TOKEN" | jq -r ".config"

    EDIT 2024:

    As pointed out by @Floren, as per Racher v2.8+ while generating kubeConfig, by default, the new token will be created with 30 days expiration!

    Kube token expiration

    To change this, one need to change kubeconfig-default-token-ttl-minutes in Rancher's Global Settings, You can find more on this in official docs here.