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PIR Sensors Triggered in Specific Order

I have two PIR Sensors connected to a Raspberry Pi one used for either side of a doorway in my design.

I am needing help on how I can do something once the sensors are triggered in a particular order.

Lets call the sensors for simplicity A and B.

Since they will be used for room count I would like the count to increase when they are triggered in order AB and decrease when triggered in order BA.

I have tried this code earlier but it failed (I understand there is no roomCount implemented here but I was testing for expected output):

While True:
    if GPIO.input(pir1):
        if GPIO.input(pir2):
    if GPIO.input(pir2):
        if GPIO.input(pir1):

This code was constantly giving the output “AB” no matter which order they were triggered.

Any help on this issue would be appreciated.


  • I think you might do better with code more like this pseudo-code:

    import time
    maxWait = 2 #  Longest time (in seconds) to wait for other PIR to trigger
    while True:
        if A is triggered:
            endTime = time.time() + maxWait
            while time.time() < endTime:
                 if B is triggered:
                      # Sleep till the person has fully passed both sensors
                      while A is triggered or B is triggered:
        if B is triggered:
            endTime = time.time() + maxWait
            while time.time() < endTime:
                 if A is triggered:
                      while A is triggered or B is triggered: