I have this graphql query - I had to reverse it as I had to match/filter on a linkedForm
query LocalState3 {
localStatePageCollection(where: { seoName: "ca"}, limit:1) {
items {
linkedFrom {
items {
... on LocalCity {
I will get a bunch of "cities" here - BUT I want to get a specific city UNDER the "ca" state. I know I can filter on the front end, BUT I'd rather do this in graphql if possible?
I thought this might work, but didn't
entryCollection(where: { seoName: "culver-city"}, limit: 1)
entryCollection(filter: { seoName: { eq:"culver-city"}}, limit:1)
any way to filter on items or entryCollection or ?
According to Contentful documentation, filtering on link collections is not possible https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/graphql/#/reference/collection-filters/limitations
It is not possible to filter on fields of Type Array, Object, or RichText. There's an exemption in the case of the ContentfulMetadata type