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How to write a polynomial in x**3 instead of x using Polynomial

At the moment i have a polynomial (of a galois field) in function of x. But i want to "evaluate" it in x^3.

Any ideas on how to do it?

import galois 

GF = galois.GF(31) 
f = galois.Poly([1, 0, 0, 15], field=GF);
>> x^3 + 15

So now f is in function of x: f(x) But i want to have f(x^3)


  • I am the author of the galois library. Converting f(x) to g(x) = f(x^3) is equivalent to multiplying the degrees of f(x) with non-zero coefficients by 3. In galois, this is done like this.

    In [1]: import galois
    In [2]: galois.__version__
    Out[2]: '0.0.26'
    In [3]: GF = galois.GF(31)
    In [4]: f = galois.Poly([1, 0, 0, 15], field=GF); f
    Out[4]: Poly(x^3 + 15, GF(31))
    In [5]: f.nonzero_degrees
    Out[5]: array([3, 0])
    In [6]: f.nonzero_coeffs
    Out[6]: GF([ 1, 15], order=31)
    In [7]: g = galois.Poly.Degrees(3*f.nonzero_degrees, f.nonzero_coeffs); g
    Out[7]: Poly(x^9 + 15, GF(31))

    EDIT: As of v0.0.31, polynomial composition is supported. You can now evaluate a polynomial f(x) at a second polynomial g(x).

    In [1]: import galois
    In [2]: galois.__version__
    Out[2]: '0.0.31'
    In [3]: GF = galois.GF(31)
    In [4]: f = galois.Poly([1, 0, 0, 15], field=GF); f
    Out[4]: Poly(x^3 + 15, GF(31))
    In [5]: g = galois.Poly.Degrees([3], field=GF); g
    Out[5]: Poly(x^3, GF(31))
    In [6]: f(g)
    Out[6]: Poly(x^9 + 15, GF(31))