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OpenXML Adding Notes and Threaded Comments

I'm posting this to help others that may be going through the struggle I went through when trying to add simple notes or threaded comments to an excel spreadsheet using the DocumentFormat.OpenXML library using VB.Net.

I've added my own answer.


  • Imports System.Text
    Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml
    Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging
    Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet
    Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
    Imports System.Xml
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
    Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2019.Excel.ThreadedComments
    Public Class ExcelDocInfo
        Public Property WBPart As WorkbookPart = Nothing
        Public Property WSPart As WorksheetPart = Nothing
        Public Property SData As SheetData = Nothing
    End Class
    Public Class CellReferenceIndexes
        Public ColumnIndex As Integer? = Nothing
        Public RowIndex As Integer? = Nothing
        Public Sub New()
        End Sub
    End Class
    Public Class OpenXML
        Public Shared Function GetThreadedCommentVMLShapeXML(CellReference As String, CommentCount As Integer)
            Dim commentVmlXml As String = String.Empty
            commentVmlXml = <![CDATA[
    <v:shape id="[ShapeID]" type="#_x0000_t202" style='position:absolute; margin-left:59.25pt;margin-top:1.5pt;width:108pt;height:59.25pt;z-index:1; visibility:hidden' fillcolor="infoBackground [80]" strokecolor="none [81]" o:insetmode="auto">
        <v:fill color2="infoBackground [80]"/>
        <v:shadow color="none [81]" obscured="t"/>
        <v:path o:connecttype="none"/>
        <v:textbox style='mso-direction-alt:auto'>
            <div style='text-align:left'></div>
        <x:ClientData ObjectType="Note">
            Dim ShapeId As String = "_x0000_s" & (1109 + CommentCount + 1).ToString()
            commentVmlXml = commentVmlXml.Replace("[ShapeID]", ShapeId)
            commentVmlXml = commentVmlXml.Replace("[CoordinatesForVMLCommentShape]", GetAnchorCoordinatesForVMLCommentShape(CellReference))
            commentVmlXml = commentVmlXml.Replace("[RowIndex]", (GetIndexesFromCellReference(CellReference).RowIndex - 1).ToString())
            commentVmlXml = commentVmlXml.Replace("[ColumnIndex]", (GetIndexesFromCellReference(CellReference).ColumnIndex - 1).ToString())
            Return commentVmlXml
        End Function
        Public Shared Function GetNoteVMLShapeXML(CellReference As String, CommentCount As Integer)
            Dim commentVmlXml As String = String.Empty
            commentVmlXml = <![CDATA[
    <v:shape id="[ShapeID]" type="#_x0000_t202" style='position:absolute; margin-left:59.25pt; margin-top:1.5pt; width:108pt; height:59.25pt; z-index:1; visibility:hidden' fillcolor="#ffffe1" o:insetmode="auto">
        <v:fill color2="#ffffe1" />
        <v:shadow on="t" color="black" obscured="t" />
        <v:path o:connecttype="none" />
        <v:textbox style='mso-fit-shape-to-text:true'>
            <div style='text-align:left'></div>
        <x:ClientData ObjectType="Note">
            <x:MoveWithCells />
            <x:SizeWithCells />
            Dim ShapeId As String = "_x0000_s" & (1109 + CommentCount + 1).ToString()
            commentVmlXml = commentVmlXml.Replace("[ShapeID]", ShapeId)
            commentVmlXml = commentVmlXml.Replace("[CoordinatesForVMLCommentShape]", GetAnchorCoordinatesForVMLCommentShape(CellReference))
            commentVmlXml = commentVmlXml.Replace("[RowIndex]", (GetIndexesFromCellReference(CellReference).RowIndex - 1).ToString())
            commentVmlXml = commentVmlXml.Replace("[ColumnIndex]", (GetIndexesFromCellReference(CellReference).ColumnIndex - 1).ToString())
            Return commentVmlXml
        End Function
        Public Shared Function GetAnchorCoordinatesForVMLCommentShape(CellReference As String) As String
            Dim coordinates As String = String.Empty
            Dim startingRow As Integer = 0
            Dim startingColumn As Integer = GetIndexesFromCellReference(CellReference).ColumnIndex - 1
            'From upper right coordinate of a rectangle
            '[0] Left column
            '[1] Left column offset
            '[2] Left row
            '[3] Left row offset
            'To bottom right coordinate of a rectangle
            '[4] Right column
            '[5] Right column offset
            '[6] Right row
            '[7] Right row offset
            Dim coordList As List(Of Integer) = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}.ToList()
            If Integer.TryParse(GetIndexesFromCellReference(CellReference).RowIndex, startingRow) Then
                startingRow -= 1
                coordList(0) = startingColumn + 1
                coordList(1) = 15
                coordList(2) = startingRow
                coordList(4) = startingColumn + 3
                coordList(5) = 15
                coordList(6) = startingRow + 3
                If startingRow = 0 Then
                    coordList(3) = 2
                    coordList(7) = 16
                    coordList(3) = 10
                    coordList(7) = 4
                End If
                coordinates = String.Join(",", coordList.ConvertAll(Of String)(Function(X) X.ToString()).ToArray())
            End If
            Return coordinates
        End Function
        Public Shared Function GetIndexesFromCellReference(CellReference As String) As CellReferenceIndexes
            Dim CellReferenceInfo As New CellReferenceIndexes
            Dim ColRef As String = ""
            For Each C As Char In CellReference
                If Not IsNumeric(C) Then
                    ColRef &= C
                    Exit For
                End If
            ColRef = ColRef.ToUpper()
            CellReferenceInfo.RowIndex = Strings.Right(CellReference, CellReference.Length - ColRef.Length)
            Dim ColIndex As Integer = 0
            For Idx As Integer = 0 To ColRef.Length - 1
                ColIndex *= 26
                Dim charA As Integer = Asc("A")
                Dim charColLetter As Integer = Asc(ColRef(Idx))
                ColIndex += (charColLetter - charA) + 1
            CellReferenceInfo.ColumnIndex = ColIndex
            Return CellReferenceInfo
        End Function
        Public Shared Sub AddNote(DocInfo As ExcelDocInfo, XCell As Cell, XAuthor As String, Comment As String, Optional XFontName As String = "Tahoma", Optional FontSize As Double = 11, Optional FontBold As Boolean = False, Optional FontItalic As Boolean = False, Optional TextColor As System.Drawing.Color = Nothing, Optional HighlightColor As System.Drawing.Color = Nothing)
            If DocInfo Is Nothing Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If XCell Is Nothing Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(XAuthor) Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Comment) Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If TextColor = Nothing Then TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
            Dim CommentsPart As WorksheetCommentsPart = Nothing
            If DocInfo.WSPart.WorksheetCommentsPart Is Nothing Then
                CommentsPart = DocInfo.WSPart.AddNewPart(Of WorksheetCommentsPart)
                CommentsPart = DocInfo.WSPart.WorksheetCommentsPart()
            End If
            Dim XComments As Comments = CommentsPart.Comments
            If XComments Is Nothing Then
                XComments = New Comments() With {.MCAttributes = New MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() With {.Ignorable = "xr"}}
                XComments.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "")
                XComments.AddNamespaceDeclaration("xr", "")
                CommentsPart.Comments = XComments
            End If
            Dim XAuthors As Authors = XComments.GetFirstChild(Of Authors)
            If XAuthors Is Nothing Then
                XAuthors = New Authors()
            End If
            Dim XLAuthor As Author = (From A As Author In XAuthors.ToList() Where A.Text = XAuthor).FirstOrDefault()
            If XLAuthor Is Nothing Then
                XLAuthor = New Author() With {.Text = XAuthor}
            End If
            Dim AuthorID As UInt32 = Convert.ToUInt32(XAuthors.AsEnumerable.ToList().IndexOf(XLAuthor))
            Dim CommList As CommentList = XComments.GetFirstChild(Of CommentList)
            If CommList Is Nothing Then
                CommList = New CommentList()
            End If
            Dim XComment As Comment = XComments.CommentList.AppendChild(Of Comment)(New Spreadsheet.Comment() With {
                                                                                        .AuthorID = New UInt32Value(AuthorID),
                                                                                        .Reference = XCell.CellReference,
                                                                                        .ShapeId = New UInt32Value(Convert.ToUInt32(0))
            Dim XCommentText As New CommentText()
            Dim XRun As New Run()
            Dim XRunProperties As New RunProperties()
            Dim XFontSize As New FontSize() With {.Val = New DoubleValue(Convert.ToDouble(FontSize))}
            Dim XColor As New Color() With {.Rgb = New HexBinaryValue With {.Value = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToHtml(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(TextColor.ToArgb())).Replace("#", "")}}
            Dim XFillColor As Color = Nothing
            If HighlightColor <> Nothing Then
                XFillColor = New Color() With {.Rgb = New HexBinaryValue With {.Value = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToHtml(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(HighlightColor.ToArgb())).Replace("#", "")}}
            End If
            Dim XRunFont As New RunFont With {.Val = New StringValue(XFontName)}
            Dim XRunBold As New Bold() With {.Val = New BooleanValue(FontBold)}
            Dim XRunItalic As New Italic() With {.Val = New BooleanValue(FontItalic)}
            Dim xRunPropertyCharSet As New RunPropertyCharSet() With {.Val = New Int32Value(Convert.ToInt32(1))}
            If XFillColor IsNot Nothing Then
            End If
            Dim XText As New Text() With {.Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve, .Text = Comment}
            Dim DrawingPartList As List(Of VmlDrawingPart) = DocInfo.WSPart.VmlDrawingParts.ToList()
            Dim CommentCount As Integer = 0
            Dim DrawingPart As VmlDrawingPart = DocInfo.WSPart.GetPartsOfType(Of VmlDrawingPart)().FirstOrDefault()
            Dim Writer As XmlTextWriter = Nothing
            Dim DrawingPartStream As Stream = Nothing
            Dim SR As StreamReader = Nothing
            If DrawingPart Is Nothing Then
                DrawingPart = DocInfo.WSPart.AddNewPart(Of VmlDrawingPart)()
                DrawingPartStream = DrawingPart.GetStream(IO.FileMode.Create)
                SR = New StreamReader(DrawingPartStream)
                Writer = New XmlTextWriter(DrawingPartStream, Encoding.UTF8)
                Dim XMLText As String = <![CDATA[
        <xml xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
        <o:shapelayout v:ext="edit">
            <o:idmap v:ext="edit" data="1" />
        <v:shapetype id="_x0000_t202" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="202" path="m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe">
            <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"/>
            <v:path gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect" />
                DocInfo.WSPart.Worksheet.AddNamespaceDeclaration("xdr", "")
                DocInfo.WSPart.Worksheet.AddNamespaceDeclaration("x14", "")
                Dim PartID As String = DocInfo.WSPart.GetIdOfPart(DrawingPart)
                Dim XLegacyDrawing As LegacyDrawing = New LegacyDrawing() With {.Id = PartID}
                DrawingPartStream = DrawingPart.GetStream()
                SR = New StreamReader(DrawingPartStream)
                Dim ReadText As String = SR.ReadToEnd()
                Dim MatchColl As MatchCollection = Nothing
                Dim MatchPattern As New Regex("\<v:shape ")
                MatchColl = MatchPattern.Matches(ReadText)
                CommentCount = MatchColl.Count
                MatchColl = Nothing
                MatchPattern = Nothing
                Writer = New XmlTextWriter(DrawingPartStream, Encoding.UTF8)
            End If
            Dim commentsVmlXml As String = String.Empty
            commentsVmlXml = GetNoteVMLShapeXML(XCell.CellReference.Value, CommentCount)
            Writer = Nothing
        End Sub
        Public Shared Sub AddThreadedComment(DocInfo As ExcelDocInfo, XCell As Cell, XAuthor As String, Comment As String)
            If DocInfo Is Nothing Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If XCell Is Nothing Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(XAuthor) Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Comment) Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Dim CommentsPart As WorksheetCommentsPart = Nothing
            If DocInfo.WSPart.WorksheetCommentsPart Is Nothing Then
                CommentsPart = DocInfo.WSPart.AddNewPart(Of WorksheetCommentsPart)
                CommentsPart = DocInfo.WSPart.WorksheetCommentsPart()
            End If
            Dim XComments As Comments = CommentsPart.Comments
            If XComments Is Nothing Then
                XComments = New Comments() With {.MCAttributes = New MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() With {.Ignorable = "xr"}}
                XComments.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "")
                XComments.AddNamespaceDeclaration("xr", "")
                CommentsPart.Comments = XComments
            End If
            Dim PersPart As WorkbookPersonPart = DocInfo.WBPart.GetPartsOfType(Of WorkbookPersonPart).FirstOrDefault()
            If PersPart Is Nothing Then
                PersPart = DocInfo.WBPart.AddNewPart(Of WorkbookPersonPart)
            End If
            Dim PersList As PersonList = PersPart.PersonList
            If PersList Is Nothing Then
                PersList = New PersonList
                PersList.AddNamespaceDeclaration("x", "")
                PersPart.PersonList = PersList
            End If
            Dim Pers As Person = (From P As Person In PersList.AsEnumerable() Where P.DisplayName.Value = XAuthor Select P).FirstOrDefault()
            If Pers Is Nothing Then
                Pers = New Person() With {.DisplayName = New StringValue(XAuthor), .Id = New StringValue("{" & Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper() & "}"), .UserId = New StringValue(XAuthor), .ProviderId = New StringValue("None")}
            End If
            Dim XAuthors As Authors = XComments.GetFirstChild(Of Authors)
            If XAuthors Is Nothing Then
                XAuthors = New Authors()
            End If
            Dim AuthorGUID As String = "{" & Guid.NewGuid().ToString() & "}"
            Dim XLAuthor As Author = New Author() With {.Text = "tc=" & AuthorGUID}
            Dim WSThreadedCommentsPart As WorksheetThreadedCommentsPart = DocInfo.WSPart.WorksheetThreadedCommentsParts.FirstOrDefault()
            If WSThreadedCommentsPart Is Nothing Then
                WSThreadedCommentsPart = DocInfo.WSPart.AddNewPart(Of WorksheetThreadedCommentsPart)
            End If
            Dim XThreadedComments As ThreadedComments = WSThreadedCommentsPart.ThreadedComments
            If XThreadedComments Is Nothing Then
                XThreadedComments = New ThreadedComments()
                WSThreadedCommentsPart.ThreadedComments = XThreadedComments
            End If
            Dim XThreadedComment As ThreadedComment = New ThreadedComment() With {.Ref = New StringValue(XCell.CellReference), .DT = New DateTimeValue(Now().ToUniversalTime()), .PersonId = Pers.Id, .Id = New StringValue(AuthorGUID)}
            Dim XThreadedCommentText As New ThreadedCommentText(Comment)
            Dim AuthorID As UInt32 = Convert.ToUInt32(XAuthors.ToList().IndexOf(XLAuthor))
            Dim CommList As CommentList = XComments.GetFirstChild(Of CommentList)
            If CommList Is Nothing Then
                CommList = New CommentList()
            End If
            Dim XComment As Comment = XComments.CommentList.AppendChild(Of Comment)(New Spreadsheet.Comment() With {
                                                                                        .AuthorID = New UInt32Value(AuthorID),
                                                                                        .Reference = XCell.CellReference,
                                                                                        .ShapeId = New UInt32Value(Convert.ToUInt32(0))
            XComment.SetAttribute(New OpenXmlAttribute("uid", "", Pers.Id.Value))
            Dim Prepend As String = "[Threaded comment]
        Your version of Excel allows you to read this threaded comment; however, any edits to it will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more:
            Dim XCommentText As New CommentText()
            Dim XText As New Text() With {.Text = Prepend & Comment}
            Dim DrawingPartList As List(Of VmlDrawingPart) = DocInfo.WSPart.VmlDrawingParts.ToList()
            Dim CommentCount As Integer = 0
            Dim DrawingPart As VmlDrawingPart = DocInfo.WSPart.GetPartsOfType(Of VmlDrawingPart)().FirstOrDefault()
            Dim Writer As XmlTextWriter = Nothing
            Dim DrawingPartStream As Stream = Nothing
            Dim SR As StreamReader = Nothing
            If DrawingPart Is Nothing Then
                DrawingPart = DocInfo.WSPart.AddNewPart(Of VmlDrawingPart)()
                DrawingPartStream = DrawingPart.GetStream(IO.FileMode.Create)
                SR = New StreamReader(DrawingPartStream)
                Writer = New XmlTextWriter(DrawingPartStream, Encoding.UTF8)
                Dim XMLText As String = <![CDATA[
        <xml xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
        <o:shapelayout v:ext="edit">
            <o:idmap v:ext="edit" data="1" />
        <v:shapetype id="_x0000_t202" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="202" path="m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe">
            <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"/>
            <v:path gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect" />
                DocInfo.WSPart.Worksheet.AddNamespaceDeclaration("xdr", "")
                DocInfo.WSPart.Worksheet.AddNamespaceDeclaration("x14", "")
                Dim PartID As String = DocInfo.WSPart.GetIdOfPart(DrawingPart)
                Dim XLegacyDrawing As LegacyDrawing = New LegacyDrawing() With {.Id = PartID}
                DrawingPartStream = DrawingPart.GetStream()
                SR = New StreamReader(DrawingPartStream)
                Dim ReadText As String = SR.ReadToEnd()
                Dim MatchColl As MatchCollection = Nothing
                Dim MatchPattern As New Regex("\<v:shape ")
                MatchColl = MatchPattern.Matches(ReadText)
                CommentCount = MatchColl.Count
                MatchColl = Nothing
                MatchPattern = Nothing
                Writer = New XmlTextWriter(DrawingPartStream, Encoding.UTF8)
            End If
            Dim commentsVmlXml As String = String.Empty
            commentsVmlXml = GetThreadedCommentVMLShapeXML(XCell.CellReference.Value, CommentCount)
            Writer = Nothing
        End Sub
        Public Shared Sub FinalizeComments(DocInfo As ExcelDocInfo)
            Dim DrawingPart As VmlDrawingPart = DocInfo.WSPart.GetPartsOfType(Of VmlDrawingPart)().FirstOrDefault()
            If DrawingPart IsNot Nothing Then
                Using DrawingPartStream As Stream = DrawingPart.GetStream()
                    Using SR As StreamReader = New StreamReader(DrawingPartStream)
                        Dim ReadText As String = SR.ReadToEnd()
                        If Not ReadText.ToLower().EndsWith("</xml>") Then
                            Using Writer As XmlTextWriter = New XmlTextWriter(DrawingPartStream, Encoding.UTF8)
                            End Using
                        End If
                    End Using
                End Using
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Shared Function GetCell(ExcelRow As Row, ColumnNumber As Integer) As Cell
            Dim WSCell As Cell = Nothing
            If (From C As Cell In ExcelRow.Elements(Of Cell) Where C.CellReference.Value = ExcelColToName(ColumnNumber) & ExcelRow.RowIndex.ToString()).Count > 0 Then
                WSCell = (From C As Cell In ExcelRow.Elements(Of Cell) Where C.CellReference.Value = ExcelColToName(ColumnNumber) & ExcelRow.RowIndex.ToString()).FirstOrDefault()
                WSCell = New Cell() With {.CellReference = ExcelColToName(ColumnNumber) & ExcelRow.RowIndex.ToString()}
                ExcelRow.InsertAt(Of Cell)(WSCell, ExcelRow.Elements(Of Cell).Count)
            End If
            Return WSCell
        End Function
        Public Shared Function GetRow(SData As SheetData, RowNumber As Integer) As Row
            Dim R As Row = Nothing
            Dim RIdx As UInt32Value = Convert.ToUInt32(RowNumber)
            If SData.Elements(Of Row).Count > 0 Then
                R = (From ERow As Row In SData.Elements(Of Row) Where ERow.RowIndex = RIdx).FirstOrDefault()
            End If
            If R Is Nothing Then
                R = New Row() With {.RowIndex = RIdx}
            End If
            Return R
        End Function
    End Class
    Public Class TestCase
        Public Sub RunTest()
            'This sample does not dive into the creation of the spreadsheet. This example focuses strictly on notes and threaded comments.
            'In a production example, there would be another sub in the OpenXML class that would populate this ExcelDocInfo object.
            'Note that this code will fail as the objects within the DocInfo object currently have no reference to actual objects
            Dim DocInfo As New ExcelDocInfo
            Dim RowIdx As Integer = 1
            Dim ColIdx As Integer = 1
            Dim XRow As Row = OpenXML.GetRow(DocInfo.SData, RowIdx)
            Dim XCell As Cell = OpenXML.GetCell(XRow, ColIdx)
            OpenXML.AddThreadedComment(DocInfo, XCell, "Author Name", "Comment Text Goes Here")
        End Sub
    End Class