I'm trying to deploy a stencil SPA on gh-pages, but I can't get the router to cooperate. I am setting root
on stencil-router
, but it's not loading any of my routes. It's working perfectly fine when I run localhost.
Note that gh-pages uses the repo name as the path, so it's not at the host root when I deploy.
import { Host, Component, h, State } from '@stencil/core';
tag: 'app-root',
styleUrl: 'app-root.css',
shadow: false,
export class AppRoot {
@State() base: string
this.base = document.querySelector('base').getAttribute('href')
console.log('router root', this.base)
render() {
return (
<stencil-router root={this.base}>
<stencil-route-switch scrollTopOffset={0}>
<stencil-route url="/" component="lpl-landing" exact={true} />
<stencil-route url="/privacy" component="lpl-privacy" />
Full source code is here: https://github.com/positlabs/lightpaintlive-www
I realized that I was using the full url when I needed to be using just the path.
My code ended up looking like this:
this.base = document.querySelector('base').getAttribute('href').match('github') ? '/lightpaintlive-www/' : '/'