The new version of macOS introduced low power mode for battery and power adaptor. I am building an app, as a part of I would like to set or unset low power mode using applescript/shell script.
This is what I've written so far which works great where I can get the current status of low power mode whether if it is on or off.
tell application "System Preferences"
do shell script "pmset -g | grep lowpowermode"
end tell
After the above step I tried to "set lowpowermode 0" but the script is throwing an error like below
tell application "System Preferences"
do shell script "set lowpowermode 0"
--> error number -10004
How do I set low power mode to 0 or 1 using applescript/shellscript?
Try this in the Terminal:
sudo pmset -a lowpowermode 1
Then go to Apple menu
-> System Preferences
-> Battery
and see if it looks good.
If that works, I think you'd do it in Applescript something like this:
do shell script "pmset -a lowpowermode 1" with administrator privileges