I'm using Snowflake's Kafka connector to get some data into a table. I can see the files in the stage (when I run LIST @STAGE_NAME;
). According to SYSTEM$PIPE_STATUS
, the pipe is running. Still, I don't see anything in the copy history. However, when I refresh the pipe, I see the table populated in a bit.
Does someone what could be causing this?
Here's the connector configuration in case it helps (nothing special):
"buffer.count.records": "2",
"buffer.flush.time": "10",
"buffer.size.bytes": "1",
"input.data.format": "JSON",
"key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.storage.StringConverter",
"name": "mysnowflakesink",
"snowflake.database.name": "MY_DB",
"snowflake.private.key": "abc",
"snowflake.schema.name": "STREAM_DATA",
"snowflake.topic2table.map": "customers:CUSTOMERS_TEST",
"snowflake.url.name": "xyz.snowflakecomputing.com:443",
"snowflake.user.name": "my_user",
"tasks.max": "8",
"topics": "customers",
"value.converter": "com.snowflake.kafka.connector.records.SnowflakeJsonConverter"
It turned out to be my mistake. Namely, I'm using the connector programmatically, and what I didn't do is to call the preCommit
method. Under the hood, it's making the pipe being used to ingest data.