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Is it possible to auto-retry firebase cloud-function deploys when doing a full deploy?

I have a large amount of cloud functions (150+) that need to be deployed. When i run the following: firebase deploy --only functions to do a full deploy i get the following message:

⚠  functions: too many functions are being deployed, cannot poll status.
In a few minutes, you can check status at
You can use the --only flag to deploy only a portion of your functions in the future.

✔  Deploy complete!

indicating that the deploy is in progress. The issue i have is that usually several functions fail to deploy due to quota limits or other non-code ralated issues, and these have to be retried/redeployed. When polling firebase will give the code to use to retry these, however, when not polling then no further console output is given. When i access the interface i am able to see which functions failed to deploy: enter image description here

Is there an option either in the google interface to retry these, or some command option that can be added to the deploy command to auto-retry failed functions? Currently i have to manually gather all the failed function-names by manually looking trough the list and run a deploy specifying only those.


  • There is no such option to automatically retry. Maybe you could write code to scan the logs to figure out what failed and retry yourself. Alternatively, you could instead invoke the CLI once for each individual function at a controlled rate, and check the results individually.

    What you have here sounds like a feature request, which you could post to the firebase-tools GitHub repo. You could also reach out to Firebase support to make your needs known.