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mat-selection-list with an object , is it possible?

I have been looking at the mat-selection-list found in the documentation at

I would like to use a array of objects instead of using a string array . The documentation has

 typesOfShoes: string[] = ['Falta passar fio', 'Peça oxidada'];

And this seems to work but my object, below, doesn't work. What I am doing wrong? or is this not possible?

errorList = [
    { id: 1234, type: 'A1', description: 'dsfdsfdfgdgdgfio', selected:false },
    { id: 4567, type: 'C6', description: 'Pesdffsdça sdfsd', selected:false },
    { id: 7890, type: 'A5', description: 'sdfdsfc', selected:false }

<mat-selection-list #errorList class="area-block ">
    <mat-list-option *ngFor="let err of errorList " style="color: #000000;">

<p style="color: #000000;" class="area-block">
    Options selected: {{errorList.selectedOptions.selected.length}}


  • You could do something like this:

    <mat-selection-list #book [multiple]="false">
      <mat-list-option *ngFor="let book of books" [value]="book">
        {{ }}

    Notice: I set #book, maybe you should set #err instead of #errorList