I have a function in my contract that take 2 numbers and give a random number between those 2. Can I call this function inside some others functions in the same contract?
Something like:
function point(min, max) public view returns (uint256) {
return /* A number betwwen "min" and "max" */;
function generateSVG() public pure returns (string memory) {
svg = string(abi.encodePacked(svg, "stroke-width='" , point(1, 5) , "' "));
Thank you :D
Short answer: sometimes.
Long answer:
In solidity, we specify the visibility of functions and state variables. There are 4 types of visibility:
Unless defined explicitly, visibility defaults to internal
A function/state variable is only visible to contracts that contains it, or inherits a contract that contains it
Can only be called by other contracts
Any contract, whether it contains the code or not, can call
Only the contract that declares it can call, not the ones that inherit it.
There is no true randomness in ethereum. You can either create pseudo-random values with blockhash/block height or you can use an oracle that provides true randomness, like Chainlik