Imagine an item can be tagged by connecting unique tag
nodes to a post
with the twist that tags come from different sources. The source is recorded on the connecting edge, and there may be only one edge between a post and tag corresponding to the same source.
This query returns posts and their tags with the tag containing details of source and score:
project('title', 'tags').by('title').
hasLabel('tags').project('value', '_rel').
by(project('score', 'source').
The result is in the following shape:
"title": "x",
"tags": {
"dog": [
"value": "dog",
"_rel": {
"score": 5,
"source": "user"
"cat": [
"value": "cat",
"_rel": {
"score": 3,
"source": "user"
"value": "cat",
"_rel": {
"score": 2,
"source": "google"
Question is: how can this shape be transformed to the more compact form below?
"title": "x",
"tags": [
"value": "dog",
"_rel": [
"score": 5,
"source": "user"
"value": "cat",
"_rel": [
"score": 2,
"source": "google"
"score": 3,
"source": "user"
This is a typescript (and Neptune) implementation so some limitations apply.
A minimal sample graph is available at and below:
property(single, 'value', 'cat').addV('tag').
property(single, 'value', 'dog').addV('post').
property(single, 'title', 'x').addE('tags').
from('1').to('3').property('score', 3).
property('source', 'user').
property('value', 'cat').addE('tags').
from('1').to('3').property('score', 2).
property('source', 'google').
property('value', 'cat').addE('tags').
from('2').to('3').property('score', 5).
property('source', 'user').
property('value', 'dog')
This first answer isn't quite what you asked for because the format doesn't exactly match the example you presented, however I think it's worth considering as usable since it offers a more compact data structure with the same content and the Gremlin is quite readable:
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel('post').
......1> project('title', 'tags').
......2> by('title').
......3> by(inE().hasLabel('tags').
......4> group().
......5> by('value').
......6> by(project('score','source').
......7> by('score').by('source').
......8> fold()))
This second answer produces output that should match your requested output, but as you can see it forces you to destructure the Map
above just to re-write it back to match the form you wanted:
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel('post').
......1> project('title', 'tags').
......2> by('title').
......3> by(inE().hasLabel('tags').
......4> group().
......5> by('value').
......6> by(project('score','source').
......7> by('score').by('source').
......8> fold()).
......9> unfold().
.....10> project('value','_rel').
.....11> by(keys).
.....12> by(values).
.....13> fold())