I have these two tables
date | id | name | place |
2022-04-11 | 1 | Jhon | null |
2022-04-12 | 1 | Jhon | null |
2022-04-13 | 1 | Jhon | null |
2022-04-14 | 1 | Jhon | null |
2022-04-15 | 1 | Jhon | null |
2022-04-16 | 1 | Jhon | null |
date | id | change_col | new_value |
2022-04-14 | 1 | place | Chicago |
2022-04-16 | 1 | place | India |
2022-04-16 | 1 | name | John watts |
From these two tables, I want to create a new table that will look like this
Desire Output
date | id | name | place |
2022-04-11 | 1 | Jhon | null |
2022-04-12 | 1 | Jhon | null |
2022-04-13 | 1 | Jhon | null |
2022-04-14 | 1 | Jhon | Chicago |
2022-04-15 | 1 | Jhon | Chicago |
2022-04-16 | 1 | Jhon Watts | India |
So far I could only join these two tables and try to use the case-when clause, I know I need to use lag but I am not sure how
My code
Select id,
(Case When change_col = 'place' Then new_value End) As place,
(Case When change_col = 'name' Then new_value End) As name
From daily_info
Left Join change_values On d.id = c.id And d.date = c.date
Join (apply) you change table based on the date, once for each change type.
declare @daily_info table ([date] date, id int, [name] varchar(32), place varchar(32));
insert into @daily_info ([date], id, [name], place)
('2022-04-11', 1, 'Jhon', null),
('2022-04-12', 1, 'Jhon', null),
('2022-04-13', 1, 'Jhon', null),
('2022-04-14', 1, 'Jhon', null),
('2022-04-15', 1, 'Jhon', null),
('2022-04-16', 1, 'Jhon', null);
declare @change_values table ([date] date, id int, change_col varchar(32), new_value varchar(32));
insert into @change_values ([date], id, change_col, new_value)
('2022-04-14', 1, 'place', 'Chicago'),
('2022-04-16', 1, 'place', 'India'),
('2022-04-16', 1, 'name', 'John,Dan');
select DI.[date], DI.id
, coalesce(CV2.new_value, DI.[name]) [name]
, coalesce(CV1.new_value, DI.place) place
from @daily_info DI
outer apply (
select top 1 change_col, new_value
from @change_values CV
where CV.[date] <= DI.[date] and change_col = 'place'
order by [date] desc
) CV1
outer apply (
select top 1 change_col, new_value
from @change_values CV
where CV.[date] <= DI.[date] and change_col = 'name'
order by [date] desc
) CV2;
date | id | name | place |
2022-04-11 | 1 | Jhon | NULL |
2022-04-12 | 1 | Jhon | NULL |
2022-04-13 | 1 | Jhon | NULL |
2022-04-14 | 1 | Jhon | Chicago |
2022-04-15 | 1 | Jhon | Chicago |
2022-04-16 | 1 | John,Dan | India |