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How do i pivot or transpose specific columns in a table in R?

I have an income dataset that looks like this.

CITY 2014 2015
AA 21 22
BB 21 24

I am trying to find a way to make the dataset look like this.

CITY Income Year
AA 21 2014
AA 21 2014
BB 22 2015
BB 24 2015

I tried to pivot this using the tidyr package but I've not been successful so far. Is there any other package or code that would allow for this transformation?

Thank you!


  • You want pivot_longer. Keep in mind that R doesn't like numbers as column names.

    df <- tibble(city=c("AA","BB"), `2014`=c(21,21), `2015`=c(22, 24))
    df %>% pivot_longer(c(`2014`, `2015`), names_to="Year", values_to="Income")
    # A tibble: 4 x 3
      city  Year  Income
      <chr> <chr>  <dbl>
    1 AA    2014      21
    2 AA    2015      22
    3 BB    2014      21
    4 BB    2015      24