I have written a lot of code that got VERY messy over the last couple of weeks/months and I wanted to clean up, by putting most of it into classes. However, I can't figure out, how to call an ODE-function, that is inside a class with Boost/integrate from outside the class. I'm not sure, if this is the cleanest/best practise, but I tried something like this:
class ODEclass
// Lots of stuff here (initialization, methods, properties, parameters)
void odefun(std::vector<double> x, std::vector<double>& dxdt, const double t)
// ...
And then calling somewhere outside the class:
integrate_adaptive(make_controlled<runge_kutta_cash_karp54<std::vector<double>>>(errTol[0], errTol[1]), odefun, Data, 0.0, something, something);
With odefun
as ODEclass::odefun
, ODEinstance.odefun
, ODEinstance->odefun
and every other way I could think of, but nothing works. Putting a void odefun(...)
outside the class works perfectly fine, but that would go against my current cleaning urge.
I found answers here on Stackoverflow that would use std::bind
, but those do odeint-calls form inside that class and don't seem to work in my case.
So how can I pass an ODE-function to odeint that is inside a class? Or is there a better (clean) way to do this? I hope, I put all the necessary information in here. If something is missing, please let me know.
Calling a non-static member function requires an instance of the class.
The simplest fix is to mark the odefun
as static
. This will work unless you wanted to access the internals. Assuming that the correct signature for odefun
is actually void(std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>&, const double)
or compatible:
ODEclass instance;
auto odefun = std::bind(&ODEclass::odefun, &instance, _1, _2, _3);