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Simpy: How to implement a resource that handles multiple events at once

I am simulating people movements and their elevator usage. An elevator can take up multiple persons before moving to another floor. The default process has a capacity parameter, however, these indicate the number of processes and not the number of people using the elevator at the same time.

I have tried to use multiple of the resources available, such as Container, Store, and Base. The elevator should be requested and these objects do not have the functionality to be requested. Hence, the only suitable solution is to inherent from the base.Resource class. I have tried to create a subclass Elevator, implementing from base.Resource and adjusting the function _do_get to take multiple elements from the queue. I am pretty confident that this is not the proper way to implement it and it gives an error as well: RuntimeError: <Request() object at 0x1ffb4474be0> has already been triggered. I have no clue which files to adjust to make Simpy happy. Could someone point me in the right direction?

class Elevator(simpy.Resource):

    current_floor: int = 0
    available_floors: List[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [0, 1])
    capacity: int = 3
    # load_carriers: List[LoadCarrier] = field(default_factory=list)
    move_time: int = 5

    def __init__(self, env: Environment, capacity: int = 1, elevator_capacity: int = 1):
        self.elevator_capacity = elevator_capacity
        if capacity <= 0:
            raise ValueError('"capacity" must be > 0.')

        super().__init__(env, capacity)

        self.users: List[Request] = []
        """List of :class:`Request` events for the processes that are currently
        using the resource."""
        self.queue = self.put_queue
        """Queue of pending :class:`Request` events. Alias of

    def count(self) -> int:
        """Number of users currently using the resource."""
        return len(self.users)


        def request(self) -> Request:
            """Request a usage slot."""
            return Request(self)

        def release(self, request: Request) -> Release:
            """Release a usage slot."""
            return Release(self, request)

        request = BoundClass(Request)
        release = BoundClass(Release)

    def _do_put(self, event: Request) -> None:
        if len(self.users) < self.capacity:
            event.usage_since =

    def _do_get(self, event: Release) -> None:
        for i in range(min(self.elevator_capacity, len(self.users))):
                event = self.users.pop(0)
                # self.users.remove(event.request)  # type: ignore
            except ValueError:
        # event.succeed()


  • So here is the solution I came up with. The tricky bit is I chained two events together. When you queue up for the elevator you get a event that fires when the elevator arrives. This event also returns a second event that fires when you get to your destination floor. This second event is a common event shared by all the passengers that are on the elevator and going to the same floor. Firing this one event notifies a bunch of passengers. This subscribe broadcast pattern can greatly reduce the number of events the model needs to process which in turn improves performance. I use the chained events because if you are in a queue, and the guy in front of you gets on and you do not, then that guy is also going to get off before you, requiring a different destination arrive event. Put another way, I do not know when you will get off until you get on, so I need to defer that part till you actually get onto the elevator.

    Simple elevator demo using events to implements a subscribe, broadcast pattern to let passengers know when 
    they have reached there floor.  All the passengers getting off on the same floor are waiting on the 
    same one event.
    Programmer: Michael R. Gibbs
    import simpy
    import random
    class Passenger():
            simple class with unique id per passenger
        next_id = 1
        def get_next_id(cls):
            id = cls.next_id
            cls.next_id += 1
            return id
        def __init__(self):
   = self.get_next_id()
    class Elevator():
            Elevator that move people from floor to floor
            Has a max compatity
            Uses a event to notifiy passengers when they can get on the elevator
            and when they arrive at their destination floor
        class Move_Goal():
                wrapps passengers so we can track where they are going to
            def __init__(self, passenger, start_floor, dest_floor, onboard_event):
                self.passenger = passenger
                self.start_floor = start_floor
                self.dest_floor = dest_floor
                self.onboard_event = onboard_event
                self.arrive_event = None
        def __init__(self,env, passenger_cap, floors):
            self.env = env
            self.passenger_cap = passenger_cap
            self.floors = floors 
            self.on_floor = 0
            self.move_inc = 1
            # list of passengers on elevator, one per floor
            self.on_board = {f:[] for f in range(1,floors + 1)}
            # queue for passengers waitting to get on elevator, one queue per floor
            self.boarding_queues = {f:[] for f in range(1,floors + 1)}
            # events to notify passengers when they have arrived at their floor, one per floor
            self.arrive_events = {f: simpy.Event(env) for f in range(1, floors + 1)}
            # start elevator
        def _move_next_floor(self):
                Moves the elevator up and down
                Elevator stops at every floor
            while True:
                # move time to next floor
                yield self.env.timeout(5)
                # update floor elevator is at
                self.on_floor = self.on_floor + self.move_inc
                # check if elevator needs to change direction
                if self.on_floor == self.floors:
                    self.move_inc = -1
                elif self.on_floor == 1:
                    self.move_inc = 1
                # unload and notify passengers that want to get of at this floor
                arrive_event = self.arrive_events[self.on_floor]
                self.arrive_events[self.on_floor] = simpy.Event(self.env)
                self.on_board[self.on_floor] = []
                # load new passengers
                # get open capacity
                used_cap = 0
                for p in self.on_board.values():
                    used_cap += len(p)
                open_cap = self.passenger_cap - used_cap
                # get boarding passengers
                boarding = self.boarding_queues[self.on_floor][:open_cap]
                self.boarding_queues[self.on_floor] = self.boarding_queues[self.on_floor][open_cap:]
                # sort bording into dest floors
                for p in boarding:
                    # give passenger common event for arriving at destination floor
                    p.arrive_event = self.arrive_events[p.dest_floor]
                    # notify passeger that they are onboard the elevator
        def move_to(self, passenger, from_floor, to_floor):
                Return a event that fires when the passenger gets on the elevator
                The event returns another event that fires when the passager
                arrives at their destination floor
                (uses the env.process() to convert a process to a event)
            return self.env.process(self._move_to(passenger, from_floor, to_floor))
        def _move_to(self, passenger, from_floor, to_floor):
                Puts the passenger into a queue for the elevator 
            # creat event to notify passenger when they can get onto the elemator
            onboard_event = simpy.Event(self.env)
            # save move data in a wrapper and put passenger into queue
            move_goal = self.Move_Goal(passenger, from_floor, to_floor, onboard_event)
            # wait for elevator to arrive, and have space for passenger
            yield onboard_event
            # get destination arrival event 
            dest_event = self.arrive_events[to_floor]
            move_goal.arrive_event = dest_event
            return dest_event
    def use_elevator(env, elevator, passenger, start_floor, end_floor):
            process for using a elevator to move from one floor to another
        print(f'{} passenger {} has queued on floor {start_floor}')
        arrive_event = yield elevator.move_to(passenger, start_floor, end_floor)
        print(f'{} passenger {} has boarded on floor {start_floor}')
        yield arrive_event
        print(f'{} passenger {} has arrived on floor {end_floor}')
    def gen_passengers(env, elevator):
            creates passengers to use a elevatore
        floor_set = {f for f in range(1, elevator.floors + 1)}
        while True:
            # time between arrivals
            yield env.timeout(random.uniform(0,5))
            # get passenger and where they want to go
            passenger = Passenger()
            start_floor, end_floor = random.sample(floor_set, 2)
            # use the elevator to get there
            env.process(use_elevator(env, elevator, passenger, start_floor, end_floor))
    # boot up
    env = simpy.Environment()
    elevator = Elevator(env, 20, 3)
    env.process(gen_passengers(env, elevator))