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Is there any standard Poller example class in c#

Is there any good example of poller class? Thread safe with wait handles, with background/foreground options and common start, stop, pause, resume calls?

I found examples like CruiseControl poller but ideally I would like to avoiding implementing IPollable every time I want to poll for something.



  • I don't know of a standard one other than the basic .NET timer class, but here's a wrapper class for the .NET timer that uses a delegate rather than the IPollable interface of the wrapper you found. it also features a bit of locking and some methods that come in handy. you may want to extend and improve it yourself for pause/resume and logging, for example. good luck.

    public class TimerWrapper
        private object defaultLock = new object();
        private object functionLock = null;
        private object classLock = new object();
        protected bool isRunning = false;
        protected bool isRepeating = false;
        protected Timer timer = null;
        protected Action timerFn = null;
        public TimerWrapper(Action timerFn)
            if (timerFn == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("timerFn", "Invalid timer delegate supplied at construction");
            // Execute this function upon expiration of the timer
            this.timerFn = timerFn;
        public TimerWrapper(Action timerFn, ref object timerLock) : this(timerFn)
            // Use the locking object passed at construction
            this.functionLock = timerLock;
        protected void TimerFunction(object state)
            if (timerFn != null)
                lock (classLock)
                    // Lock on function lock if available or default lock otherwise
                    lock (functionLock ?? defaultLock)
                        // If timer isn't repeating it's now no longer running
                        if (!IsRepeating)
                            IsRunning = false;
                        // Execute this function because timer has expired
        public void Stop()
            lock (classLock)
                if (timer != null)
                    timer = null;
                IsRunning = false;
        public void Start(int duetime)
            // Start the timer for a single run
            Start(duetime, Timeout.Infinite);
        public void Start(int duetime, int period)
            if (duetime > 0)
                lock (classLock)
                    // Stop the timer
                    // Start the timer for either a single run or repeated runs
                    timer = new Timer(TimerFunction, null, duetime, period);
                    IsRunning = true;
                    IsRepeating = (period != Timeout.Infinite);
        public bool IsRepeating
                return isRepeating;
            protected set
                if (isRepeating != value)
                    isRepeating = value;
        public bool IsRunning
                return isRunning;
            protected set
                if (isRunning != value)
                    isRunning = value;