For a distribution for running this scipy function to detect the best fit as Exponentiated Weibull distribution and the function outputs 4 parameter values. But how to generate a sample list
of data of size n
that honours this kind of distribution.
I don't want to re-write function. Any python package which does this, would be helpful.
Usually you will use a ppf
to generate from a rando seed.
For a simple completely fake example, let's say we fit a uniform random variable (with values from 0 to 15) to a Weibull distribution. Then, create a seed random variable (from 0 to 1 because it's the value of the quantiles that you will get) and put it in the ppf
import scipy.stats as st
import numpy as np
# fitting part
samples = np.random.rand(10000)*15
dist =
# generation part
sample_seed = np.random.rand(10000)
random_exponweib_samples = st.exponweib.ppf(sample_seed, *dist)
# plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.hist(samples, label="uniform", alpha=.5)
plt.hist(random_exponweib_samples, label="exponweib", alpha=.5)
You'll have something like the following.
Please be careful and check for the documentation of the ppf
concerning the weibull distrubiton. In my function st.exponweib.ppf(sample_seed, *dist)
I just use *dist
but it might be the case that the parameters should be sent differently, you can see it with the form of the orange plot which might not be correct.