I need to write a function in Prolog, but I don't understand how to return the value of R and put it in the final function. I get that Prolog doesn't return values, but I still can't figure it out.
This is what I have now:
run:- write('Input X, Z:'), nl,
read(X), number(X),
read(Z), number(Z),
write('Y='), write(Y), nl.
countR(X,Z,R):- X^2>=Z, R is Z*X.
countR(X,Z,R):- X^2<Z, R is Z*e^-X.
func(X,Y):- X>R, Y is 1-X^R.
func(X,Y):- X=<R, Y is 1-X^-R.
It would be like:
run:- write('Input X, Z:'), nl,
read(X), number(X),
read(Z), number(Z),
write('Y='), write(Y), nl.
countR(X,Z,R) :-
Xsq is X^2,
Xsq >= Z,
R is Z*X.
func(X,Z,Y) :-
countR(X, Z, R),
X > R,
Y is 1-X^R.
holds for X, Z and Y if countR
holds for X, Z, R and X is greater than R and Y is 1-X^R"
and same pattern for the other cases.