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Counting entities within a bounding box with ezdxf

I'm trying to select the densest (in terms contained elements) areas of a DXF layer in ezdxf. These boxes are evenly spaced and shaped.

In other words: given a BoundingBox2d instance bbox, how to obtain number of entities (lines, poly lines, basically - everything) contained in ezdxf.layouts.layout.Modelspace instance msp within that bbox? The msp variable contains modelspace with only one variable turned on.

Intuitively, it should be something like:

def count_elements_in_layer_and_bbox(msp: Modelspace, layer: str, bbox: BoundingBox2d) -> int
    # turn off all layers but one 
    for l in msp.layers:
        if layer ==

        # get entities within the bbox - this is the line I don't know how to approach
        entities = msp.intersect(bbox).dxf.entities
    return len(enitites)


  • ezdxf is a DXF file format interface not a CAD application. So switching layers on/off has no influence on the content of the modelspace.

    But ezdxf gives you other tools to select entities based on DXF attributes like the query() method. BTW a layer is just a DXF attribute and not a real container:

    from ezdxf import bbox
    def count_entities(msp, layer, selection_box):
        count = 0
        # select all entities of a certain layer
        for e in msp.query(f"*[layer=='{layer}']"):
            # put a single entity into a list to get its bounding box
            entity_box = bbox.extents([e])
            if selection_box.has_intersection(entity_box):
                count += 1
        return count

    Read the docs for query() and also read the limitations of the bbox module.