I have a vector of strings:
A <- c("Hello world", "Green 44", "Hot Beer", "Bip 6t")
I want to add an asterisk (*) at the beginning and at the end of every first word like this:
"*Hello* world", "*Green* 44", "*Hot* Beer", "*Bip* 6t"
Make sense to use str_replace()
from stringr
However, I am struggling with regex to match the first word of each string.
The best achievement ended up with:
str_replace(A, "^([A-Z])", "*\\1*"))
"*H*ello world", "*G*reen 44", "*H*ot Beer", "*B*ip 6t"
I might expect to be a straightforward task, but I am not getting along with regex.
You were almost there
str_replace(A, "(^.*) ", "*\\1* ")
#> [1] "*Hello* world" "*Green* 44" "*Hot* Beer" "*Bip* 6t"