I have tried all I can think of to fix this error. I have tried uninstalling reanimated-bottom-sheet and react-native-reanimated and reinstalling them. Clearing cache. I do not have a babel.config.js file that I am aware of to edit. I know the error comes from this exact import below.
import BottomSheet from 'reanimated-bottom-sheet';
I have also linked a repository in order to reproduce my exact issue here. I added my node_modules just in case, I am not sure if it would help someone see what I was doing wrong or not.
You need to add babel.config.js
in root directory of the project (near package.json) with following context (or just grab it from https://github.com/software-mansion-labs/reanimated-2-playground):
module.exports = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
plugins: [
Check reanimated docs https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/fundamentals/installation/