I'm using gglplot2 for creating graphics.
According to the user manual of facet_grid
the switch
parameter does the following :
switch: By default, the labels are displayed on the top and right of the plot. If '"x"', the top labels will be displayed to the bottom. If '"y"', the right-hand side labels will be displayed to the left. Can also be set to '"both"'.
I would like to know whether it is possible that in a facet using two variables for grouping values, put both variables on bottom, that is below the labels of the x axis. I mean instead of
+ + + + 2
+ + + + + 0
+ + + + + + 2
+ + + + + + + + 2
Is it possible to have
+ + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + +
This is actually how I often create bar charts in Excel/Calc and I find it to be much more readable.
Here is my test case :
Dataframe to be used for the graphic
df_graph_data <- data.frame(
year = rep.int(rep.int("2022", times = 28), times = 4),
month = rep.int(rep.int("march", times = 28), times = 4),
day_number = rep.int(seq_len(28), times = 4),
user_name = rep.int(
rep.int("all users", times = 28),
rep.int("user1", times = 28),
rep.int("user2", times = 28),
rep.int("user3", times = 28)
times = 4
nbr_requetes = c(
3756702L, 2147114L, 3931021L, 3250020L,
2902070L, 1807425L, 2793984L, 2923112L,
3240588L, 2965146L, 2778786L, 1915146L,
1945332L, 2763420L, 2948967L, 2953477L,
3056854L, 3005814L, 2252867L, 2503640L,
2574102L, 1525419L, 1694105L, 2796715L,
2448590L, 1571465L, 1641066L, 2406683L,
358992L, 294093L, 264117L, 164634L,
132962L, 147587L, 211403L, 187508L,
249445L, 309832L, 295148L, 114369L,
178935L, 229215L, 108168L, 202477L,
268470L, 301246L, 199027L, 281434L,
216888L, 135288L, 196308L, 219157L,
111560L, 73738L, 112145L, 177282L,
349976L, 146039L, 404627L, 443312L,
298097L, 294996L, 317332L, 389586L,
308677L, 313986L, 300024L, 309731L,
270230L, 310996L, 355700L, 312721L,
371876L, 303862L, 293709L, 275199L,
287980L, 148739L, 172012L, 363912L,
300369L, 299126L, 280704L, 326646L,
642780L, 350965L, 633404L, 432376L,
119252L, 109750L, 519688L, 546885L,
507847L, 489425L, 460825L, 168577L,
163430L, 505327L, 515003L, 498683L,
492875L, 441591L, 198819L, 188225L,
513477L, 390207L, 400769L, 493959L,
458977L, 166925L, 151197L, 558081L
df_graph_data$user_name <- factor(df_graph_data$user_name, ordered = TRUE, levels = c("all users", "user1", "user2", "user3"))
Code for the graphic
options(device = "windows")
ggplot(data = df_graph_data) +
geom_bar(mapping = aes(
x = day_number,
y = nbr_requetes,
fill = user_name
position = "dodge",
stat = "identity"
) +
by = 1L),
labels = stringr::str_pad(
width = 2,
pad = "0"
) +
limits = c(0, 4000000),
labels = comma,
expand = expansion(mult = 0, add = 0)
) +
rows = vars(year),
cols = vars(month),
switch = "x",
scales = "free_x",
space = "free_x"
) +
x = "day number",
y = "query count per day",
caption = "Test API"
) +
ggtitle("March 2022 : Active users") +
strip.placement = "outside",
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, vjust = 0.5, hjust=0.5),
axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin(t = 0, r = 15, b = 0, l = 0)),
axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 15, r = 0, b = 0, l = 0)),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 12),
plot.caption = element_text(size = 8, hjust = 1),
plot.caption.position = "plot",
panel.spacing.x=unit(0.0, "lines"),
panel.spacing.y=unit(0.0, "lines")
) +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="User account")) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("all users" = "#004586",
"user1" = "#ffd320",
"user2" = "#579d1c",
"user3" = "#7e0021"))
In the above graphics the year 2022 is on the top right hand side. Is there any way to put below the month value (march)?
If you want to keep facet_grid functionality, you could also use ggh4x::facet_nested
(note I've stripped your plot from lots of extraneous bits)
## ...preparing your data, as per your question...
ggplot(data = df_graph_data) +
geom_col(mapping = aes(
x = day_number,
y = nbr_requetes,
fill = user_name
)) +
switch = "x",
scales = "free_x",
space = "free_x"
) +
strip.placement = "outside"