I am trying to search for an ID that is exactly 4 digits, I know I need to use the LENGTH() String Function but can't find an example of how to use it. I'm trying the below (and other variations) but they aren't working.
SELECT max(car_id) as max_id
FROM `myBucket`
WHERE type = 'car'
AND car_id LIKE '28%'
AND LENGTH(max(car_id)) = 4
In case this matters, what I'm trying to do is find the largest car_id that is only 4 digits that starts with a given prefix. So 2899 will work but 28990 will not. This is for a Couchbase database using a N1QL query.
MAX is aggregate. Aggregates can't be used in predicate without intervening subquery
SELECT max(car_id) as max_id
FROM `myBucket`
WHERE type = 'car'
AND car_id LIKE '28%'
AND LENGTH(car_id) = 4;