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Common function is not being called from listeners in ext js

I am trying to call 'ControlFocus' method from drop down focus event but it gives me error. I know it is some scoping issue but not sure how to do it.

So basically structure is as follow:

 Ext.define('Panel', {
 extend: 'Ext.Panel.panel',
    items: [       
            xtype: 'container', 
            items: []
            xtype: 'fieldcontainer', 
            itemId: 'namefields',          
            xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
            itemId: 'namefieldsRow2',          
            items: []

controlFocus: function(field) {  
     // I want to use this function in several controls

Actual code

Ext.define('Panel', {
    extend: 'Ext.Panel.panel',
    items: [
            xtype: 'hiddenfield',
            name: 'ID',
            itemId: 'id',
            value: 0
            xtype: 'container',          
            style: 'padding: 18px 0 10px 0;',
            defaults: {
                padding: '0 10 0 0',
                style: 'padding-left: 0;'
            items: [
                    name: 'ExportCode',
                    xtype: 'hiddenfield'
                    fieldLabel: 'BusinessStructure'),
                    name: 'BusinessStructureId',
                    itemId: 'BusinessStructureId',
                    lookupName: 'Structure',
                    xtype: 'combo',
                    id: 'BusinessStructureId',                                     
                    listeners: {                           
                        change: function(field) {                                                   

                        focus:function(combo, e, opts){                           
                        // scope: this,     // not working
                        blur: function(field,ev) {                                                  
                    fieldLabel: 'ClientType',
                    name: 'ClientTypeId',
                    itemId: 'ClientTypeId',
                    lookupName: 'ClientType',
                    xtype: 'combo',                   
            xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
            itemId: 'namefields',
            layout: 'hbox',
            fieldDefaults: {
                labelCls: 'h-bold'
            cls: 'u-hr-bottom-light',
            items: [
                    labelClsExtra: 'x-form-item-label x-required',
                    name: 'Name',
                    itemId: 'Name',
                    xtype: 'textfield',
                    fieldCls: 'big',
                    width: 650,
                    listeners: { 
                        focus: function(field, ev) {    
                        blur: function(field,ev) {  
                    fieldLabel: 'FirstName'),
                    labelClsExtra: 'x-form-item-label x-required',
                    name: 'FirstName',
                    itemId: 'FirstName',
                    xtype: 'textfield',      
                    listeners: { 
                        focus: function(field) {
                        blur: function(field, ev) {  
            xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
            itemId: 'namefieldsRow2',
            claims: [,, req.autax],
            layout: 'hbox',
            fieldDefaults: {
                labelCls: 'h-bold'
            cls: 'u-hr-bottom-light',
            items: [
                    fieldLabel: 'ClientTitle',
                    name: 'Title',
                    itemId: 'Title',                  
                    xtype: 'editablecombo',                   

controlFocus: function(field) {  
     // I want to use this function in several controls


  • The focus event gives you direct access to the combo.

    You could just add the function directly to your listeners config like this:

    listeners: {
        focus: function(combo, event, eOpts){ 
            //Add code here

    Since you don't want to add the function directly (You mentioned you wanted to use it in several components in your comment in the method) you should check out the view controller.
    That way you can use just a String reference for the function in the view controller.

    Here is a working sencha fiddle example: example


    Since you don't want to use MVVM:

    Another solution would be to have a "global" class with statics like this:

        Ext.define('Global.class.Listeners', {
            extend: 'Ext.Base',
            statics: {
                controlFocus: function (field) {
                    //do some work here
                    // I want to use this function in several controls
                    Ext.toast('Global static class');

    In that case you could add the listener like this:

                    listeners: {
                        change: function (field) {},
                        focus: Global.class.Listeners.controlFocus,
                        blur: function (field, ev) {
                            //blur logic

    I modified my sencha fiddle for you: example

    Oh and btw:

    Never overwrite the @cfg id -> Alway use the itemId. Otherwise you might run into duplicate errors!