I'm trying to build a query string for reqwest Client using the builder's query() method. But one of the parameters has to be multiple values encoded like this
I can't figure out how.
use reqwest::blocking::Client;
use serde_json::{json, Value as JsonValue};
fn main() {
let query = json!({
"client": "gtx",
"ie": "UTF-8", // input encoding
"oe": "UTF-8", // output encoding
"sl": "auto", // source language
"tl": "en", // target language
"dt": ["t", "at", "m"], // <<<<< ERROR
"q": "salut les gars. ca va? on y va!", // text to translate
let client = Client::new();
let response = client.get("https://translate.googleapis.com/translate_a/single")
if response.status().is_success() {
let body: JsonValue = response.json().unwrap();
println!("detected language {:}", body.get(2).unwrap());
for item in body.get(0).and_then(JsonValue::as_array).unwrap() {
println!("{:}", item[1]);
println!("{:}", item[0]);
} else {
println!("fail {:?}", response);
reqwest::Error { kind: Builder, source: Custom("unsupported value") }
Maybe it's not supported? I guess I can just build the string manually with format! as a last resort
You can build your query arguments as an IntoIterator
of key-value pairs instead.
For example,
let query = vec![
("client", "gtx"),
("ie", "UTF-8"), // input encoding
("oe", "UTF-8"), // output encoding
("sl", "auto"), // source language
("tl", "en"), // target language
("dt", "t"),
("dt", "at"),
("dt", "m"),
("q", "salut les gars. ca va? on y va!"), // text to translate
let client = Client::new();
let response = client.get("https://translate.googleapis.com/translate_a/single")