I'm trying to create applescript for cueing software "QLab".
I want to get QLab's constants [continue mode] within Applescript droplet.
tell application "QLab" to tell front workspace
set AllCueList to every cue list
set AllCue to cue of item 1 of AllCueList
set theMode to continue mode of item 1 of AllCue as string
display dialog theMode
end tell
Run by "script editor.app" , that's program run successfully and get correct constant in string.
But when save as "droplet" or "application" format and running, get Double Angle «constant ****»
I need any declaration or pre-processing ? I want to get constant defined by that application.
tell application "QLab" to tell front workspace
set AllCueList to every cue list
set AllCue to cue of item 1 of AllCueList
set theMode to continue mode of item 1 of AllCue
if theMode is do_not_continue then
set theMode to "do_not_continue"
else if theMode is auto_continue then
set theMode to "auto_continue"
set theMode to "auto_follow"
end if
display dialog theMode
end tell