I am working with vm deployments over AWS with terraform(v1.0.9) as infrastructure as code. i have Terraform output.tf to print two lan a ips and code prints, list of lists like [["ip_a",],["ip_b",]] but i want a list like this ["ip_a", "ip_b"].
output.tf code
output "foo" {
value = {
name = "xyz"
all_ips = tolist(aws_network_interface.vm_a_eni_lan_a.*.private_ips)
"name" = "xyz" "lan_a_ips" = tolist([ toset([ "",]), toset([ "",]), ])
but i want
"lan_a_ips" = ["", ""]
I beleive tweaking output.tf can help. Any help is appreciated.
In your case, you have just set the splat expression [1] in a wrong place, i.e., instead of setting aws_network_interface.vm_a_eni_lan_a.private_ips[*]
you set it to aws_network_interface.vm_a_eni_lan_a.*.private_ips
. So you only need to change the output value:
output "foo" {
value = {
name = "xyz"
all_ips = aws_network_interface.vm_a_eni_lan_a.private_ips[*]
EDIT: The above applies when only a single instance of an aws_network_interface
resource is created. For situations where there are multiple instance of this resource created with count
meta-argument, the following can be used to get a list of IPs:
output "foo" {
value = {
name = "xyz"
all_ips = flatten([for i in aws_network_interface.test[*] : i.private_ips[*]])
Here, the for
[2] loop is used to iterate over all the instances of a resource, hence the splat expression when referencing them aws_network_interface.test[*]
. Additionally, since this will create a list of lists (as private_ips[*]
returns a list), flatten
[3] built-in function can be used to create a single list of IP addresses.
[1] https://www.terraform.io/language/expressions/splat