I want to remove the '[' square bracket character from a string. I am using re library. I had no problems with this square bracket ']' but I still having problem with this square bracket '['.
My code:
depth_split = ['[575,0]']
new_string = re.sub(']','',depth_split) #working
newnew_string = re.sub('[','',new_string) #not working
PS: I'm using python.
The output that I have : ['[575,0']
The output that I expeting : ['575,0']
There is no need of using regex
here since it can be done easily using str.replace()
new_string= '[575,0]'
new_string = new_string.replace(']', '')
new_string = new_string.replace('[', '')
But if using regex
is necessary try:
import re
depth_split = '[575,0]'
new_string = re.sub(r'\]|\[','',depth_split) #working