I'm making a model that predicts whether an invidual will buy a product after watching an ad.
Here's the data, (sorry for the size I don't know how to make it smaller):
I want to add a new column called AgeRange
, where the value is 0 if age < 27, 1 if 27 <= age < 53, and 2 if age >= 53.
So far I've done this:
eng_data = clean_data.copy()
eng_data['AgeRange'] = [0 if i < 27 else 1 for i in eng_data['Age']]
but I'm not sure how to add the value 2 if age >= 53.
Thanks in advance.
You can simply use nested if
eng_data['AgeRange'] = [0 if i < 27 else (1 if (i>=27 and i<53) for i in eng_data['Age']]